Dear all,
Due to minimal demand we will be dropping Windows support for our cluster & cloud packages starting from the 22nd of June 2021.
All clients that are still using the old cloud architecture will have to migrate their web sites to the new cloud architecture based on ISPConfig.
Unfortunately the new infrastructure has no support at all for any Windows (.asp etc).
If you are using web sites that require Windows hosting you will have to migrate to another host.
Due to the short time frame if the 22nd of June is not enough for you to migrate your sites please let us know how much more time you need to schedule this.
If you are interested in to keep hosting your non Windows sites with us we can either migrate the web sites for you or we can send you over web/ftp etc details to start migrating your web sites.
The infrastructure on the new cloud is completely different and you will have to update all paths & db connections.
A support ticket has been raised to all clients that still using the old cluster architecture.
Thanks for your understanding.